

Our mission: Prepare every eligible youth in Northern New Jersey to become a responsible, participating citizen and leader who is guided by the Scout Oath and Law

Your NNJ Council Commissioners

Council Commissioner 
Steven Remington
Assistant Council Commissioners
Wayne Wharton
Chris Dufford
District Commissioners 
Ramapo Valley – Stacey Butler
Three Rivers – Barbara Werner
Lenape Trail – Jack Dean

We're looking for more Commissioners!

Are you a former scout or leader? Active in your community? Looking to help carry on the experiences you or your children have had through scouting?  We need you!  Unit Commissioners serve as coaches for units.  Your time commitment is not that of a unit leader, but a coach, checking in with units and helping them succeed.

How does one become a commissioner?  Speak with a District Commissioner (listed above), complete the online training (online), and accept an assignment to work with 1-3 Units.

2025 College of Commissioner Science Coming This Spring!

The 2025 College is your opportunity to grow your Unit and Roundtable Commissioner skills beyond the basic on-line training, and for “old salts” to brush up with new information and strategies to take their game to a new level!

Register by March 14th to get Early Bird Pricing!

There are many reasons for YOU to participate! You can earn your Bachelors or Masters in Commissioner Science – in one day! You can get your Doctorate coursework done! You can attend or lead classes to get credits. You can improve your commissioner knowledge and skills. You can network with other Commissioners in a pleasant collegial setting. And the cost includes lunch, and a patch!  

The 2025 College of Commissioner Science is presented by Commissioners in Patriot’s Path, Northern New Jersey and Northeast PA Councils, and hosted by Minsi Trails Council.

If you have ANY questions, please check in with your District Commissioner or Jack Dean

And get set for a great learning experience! 

Join Us

Saturday, April 5, 2025
7:30 am to 3:45 pm

Pocono Campus of Northampton Community College
2411 Route 715, Tannersville PA 18372

Register by March 14th to get Early Bird Pricing!

Commissioner = Coach

What is a commissioner?
They’re Scouting’s coaches. Commissioners serve as resources for the Packs and Troops. They assist the Units with problem solving, setup, questions about leadership roles, how to recruit/where to recruit. The Unit Commissioner serves as the liaison between the Units and Council.

Commissioner Training

Commissioner Tools

Types of Commissioners

Unit Commissioners

Unit Commissioners are the ones who work with individual Packs and Troops.  Their passionate, overriding mission in scouting is to help units succeed.  If you don’t know your Unit Commissioner, send an email to your District Commissioner who will respond promptly.

Administrative & Management Commissioners

This includes the District Commissioner and the Assistant District Commissioners. Their primary responsibilities are recruiting, training, guiding, and evaluating the Commissioner staff. In larger Districts you may find that they are are line managers and specialty advisors within the Commissioner staff. For example you may have Assistant District Commissioners that manage several Unit Commissioners in a Service Area and others that specialize in rechartering, training, or the administration of Commissioner service.

Roundtable Commissioners

Roundtable Commissioners provide unit leaders with resources and training in program skills through regularly scheduled roundtable meetings.

Scouting America